Top State in Automotive Manufacturing
Tennessee has been in Business Facilities magazine’s top five states in automotive manufacturing strength for 4 of the past 5 years.
Our Automotive Cluster
- Recent Successes in Lewisburg:
- Multimatic, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, announced its site selection of Lewisburg for a 181 job, $20 million, automotive supplier facility which will manufacture instrument panel structures, rocker braces, and upper and lower tie bar supports.
- Meiwa Industry, headquartered in Atsugi, Japan, announced its site selection of Lewisburg for a 98 job, $6.1 million, automotive components supplier facility.
- Calsonic Kansei of North American produces Interior and Exterior Automotive Parts in Lewisburg employing 1,100 people in our city
- Nichirin manufactures brakes, A/C and Steering Hoses in Lewisburg employing 250
- Our 10-county labor shed features more workers in the following automotive related sectors than the average US labor shed:
- 517% more Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders (Metal and Plastic) than the US Average
- 229% more Metal Workers and Plastic Workers (Other) than the US Average
- 87% more Maintenance Workers (Machinery) than the US Average
- 65% more Assemblers and Fabricators (Other), Including Team Assemblers, than the US Average
- 56% more Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders than the US Average
- 56% more Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders than the US Average
- 46% more Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic than the US Average
- 37% more Material Moving Workers (Other) than the US Average
- 37% more Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers than the US Average
- 36% more Tool and Die Makers than the US Average
- 35% more Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic than the US Average
- 35% more Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers than the US Average
- 29% more Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders than the US Average
- 24% more Engineers (Other) than the US Average
- Over the past 8 years employees in the following automotive supplier sectors have grown in our 10-county labor shed:
- 122% growth in Rolling Machine Operators
- 91% growth in Foundry Mold and Coremakers
- 79% growth in Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical Assemblers
- 75% growth in Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders
- 71% growth in Production Workers (Other)
- 61% growth in Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Programmers
- 59% growth in Extruding/Forming/Pressing/Compacting Machine Operators
- 57% growth in Laborers, Freight/Stock/Material Movers (Hand)
- 52% growth in Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
- 52% growth in Industrial Production Managers
- 51% growth in Tool and Die Makers
- 47% growth in Industrial Machinery Mechanics
- 45% growth in Layout Workers (Metal and Plastic)
- 44% growth in Tire Builders
- 43% growth in Maintenance Workers, Machinery
- 43% growth in Cutting, Punching, Press Machine Operators
- 41% growth in Forging Machine Operators
- 39% growth in Plating and Coating Machine Operators
- 38% growth in Packaging/Filling Machine Operators/Tenders
- 38% growth in Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers
- 33% growth in Grinding and Polishing Workers (Hand)
- 32% growth in Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment
- 31% growth in Extruding/Forming Machine Operators (Synthetic/Glass Fibers)
Economic Development Contact Information
- Director of Economic Development
- (931) 359-1544 ex. 514
Our Companies
Vehicle Steering & Suspension
Components Manufacturing
Than the US National Average
Than the US National Average
Motor Vehicle Brake
System Manufacturing
Than the US National Average
Proximity to OEMS
15 automotive plants are located within 300 miles of Lewisburg.
Interstate Access
Lewisburg is located on Interstate 65, with 4 times more general freight trucking companies than the US average.
Free Community or Technical College Training for all Tennesseans – Tennessee Promise
- The Tennessee Promise provides free tuition through Columbia State Community College for either a degree or certificate program for graduating high schoolers.
- Columbia State features degree and certificate programs in Advanced Integrated Industrial Technology. Click here to view the curriculum for the degree program:
Lewisburg is positioned in close proximity to several world renowned universities which offer programs relevant to the automotive supplier sector:
- Vanderbilt University (located 49 miles from Lewisburg) is one of the nation’s most respected private research universities.
- The Academic Ranking of World Universities ranks Vanderbilt as the 49th best university in the entire world.
- Vanderbilt features Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, General Engineering, and Materials Science all of which support the automotive suppliers sector.
- Middle Tennessee State University (located 35 miles from Lewisburg) with over 22,000 students features Mechatronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Engineering Technology programs.
- The University of Tennessee is part of the Automotive Research Alliance between these 7 universities: Auburn, Clemson, Mississippi State, Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Alabama at Birmingham, Kentucky, and Tennessee
K-12 Public Schools
- The Marshall County School System serves approximately 5,400 enrolled students from K-12 per year.
- Our system ranks in the top 75% of all school districts in Tennessee by
- In 2018 Tennessee students had the highest ACT participation and composite score ever, with the growth projected to continue and raise the average by a full point in 2020.
- The Marshall School District is growing much faster than state average:
- 15% faster growth in Chemistry
- 11% faster growth in Biology I
- 7% faster growth in Algebra II
- 3% faster growth in English II
- 2% faster growth in Geometry
- 1.5% faster growth in US History
Air Access
The Nashville International Airport (BNA), located 49 miles from Lewisburg, is one of the top 50 airports in North America. Served by 13 carriers with more than 460 average daily arriving and departing flights with non-stop service to 65 airports it is the 33rd busiest airport in the U.S. The following carriers serve the airport:

Non-stop service is provided to and from the following airports through Nashville.
Taxes/Business Climate
- There are no personal income taxes on wages and salaries in Tennessee.
- The state Corporate Income Tax rate in Tennessee is 6.5%.
- According to The Tax Foundation, Tennessee has the lowest state debt per capita in the country, meaning we will have sustainable, low taxes for the foreseeable future.
- In 2015, Tennessee was named the “Fourth Best State in the Country for Business” by Chief Executive magazine.
Available Buildings and Sites
Automotive Companies in our Laborshed
SOC Code | Name | Companies in Laborshed |
10104 | Automotive (US Cluster Mapping) | 94 |
336390 | Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 22 |
336360 | Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing | 18 |
336370 | Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping | 11 |
336320 | Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing | 9 |
336310 | Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing | 7 |
336111 | Automobile Manufacturing | 6 |
336211 | Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing | 5 |
336330 | Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing | 4 |
336350 | Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing | 3 |
336120 | Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | 2 |
336340 | Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing | 2 |
331511 | Iron Foundries | 1 |
331523 | Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries | 1 |
331524 | Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting) | 1 |
332114 | Custom Roll Forming | 1 |
336112 | Light Truck and Utility Vehicle Manufacturing | 1 |
Automotive Companies vs US Average
SOC Code | Name | Labor vs. US Average |
51-4199 | Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, All Other | 643% |
19-4051 | Nuclear Technicians | 591% |
51-2061 | Timing Device Assemblers and Adjusters | 503% |
51-4081 | Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 446% |
51-7099 | Woodworkers, All Other | 445% |
51-4022 | Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 416% |
51-4122 | Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 398% |
51-4071 | Foundry Mold and Coremakers | 350% |
51-4052 | Pourers and Casters, Metal | 341% |
51-2092 | Team Assemblers | 332% |
51-9199 | Production Workers, All Other | 314% |
51-4062 | Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic | 293% |
51-4111 | Tool and Die Makers | 269% |
51-4051 | Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders | 262% |
51-2099 | Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other | 254% |
51-3099 | Food Processing Workers, All Other | 235% |
51-2021 | Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 232% |
51-4031 | Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 229% |
49-9043 | Maintenance Workers, Machinery | 224% |
11-1011 | Chief Executives | 208% |
51-4023 | Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 201% |
51-4061 | Model Makers, Metal and Plastic | 200% |
53-7199 | Material Moving Workers, All Other | 199% |
51-4072 | Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 196% |
51-9192 | Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders | 191% |
51-4032 | Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 189% |
41-4011 | Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products | 188% |
49-9044 | Millwrights | 185% |
51-9123 | Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers | 183% |
51-4194 | Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners | 179% |
51-2031 | Engine and Other Machine Assemblers | 170% |
51-6099 | Textile, Apparel, and Furnishings Workers, All Other | 163% |
51-6093 | Upholsterers | 163% |
51-9124 | Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 162% |
51-9194 | Etchers and Engravers | 160% |
51-4035 | Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 158% |
51-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers | 156% |
51-2028 | Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Assemblers, Except Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 155% |
11-9198 | Personal Service Managers, All Other; Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling; and Managers, All Other | 155% |
27-1029 | Designers, All Other | 152% |
51-6062 | Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 150% |
53-7063 | Machine Feeders and Offbearers | 149% |
17-3026 | Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 149% |
51-9041 | Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 148% |
11-3131 | Training and Development Managers | 144% |
51-9061 | Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers | 143% |
51-4191 | Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 142% |
49-3021 | Automotive Body and Related Repairers | 138% |
53-7064 | Packers and Packagers, Hand | 137% |
13-2041 | Credit Analysts | 137% |
11-3051 | Industrial Production Managers | 136% |
17-2112 | Industrial Engineers | 136% |
51-9198 | Helpers--Production Workers | 136% |
51-4034 | Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 135% |
51-4021 | Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 133% |
43-3011 | Bill and Account Collectors | 132% |
49-9099 | Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other | 131% |
51-9193 | Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders | 130% |
11-3031 | Financial Managers | 129% |
43-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | 128% |
51-9111 | Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders | 128% |
51-9032 | Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 128% |
49-9045 | Refractory Materials Repairers, Except Brickmasons | 128% |
17-2161 | Nuclear Engineers | 127% |
41-2022 | Parts Salespersons | 127% |
27-1021 | Commercial and Industrial Designers | 126% |
51-6031 | Sewing Machine Operators | 126% |
51-4033 | Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 126% |
11-3121 | Human Resources Managers | 125% |
53-7051 | Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators | 125% |
53-7062 | Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand | 124% |
53-7065 | Stockers and Order Fillers | 124% |
49-9041 | Industrial Machinery Mechanics | 123% |
53-3032 | Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 123% |
51-8031 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators | 123% |
29-1171 | Nurse Practitioners | 123% |
51-9051 | Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders | 122% |
41-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers | 121% |
53-7061 | Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment | 121% |
11-3071 | Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers | 120% |
43-5071 | Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks | 120% |
11-9021 | Construction Managers | 120% |
51-4041 | Machinists | 119% |
41-9099 | Sales and Related Workers, All Other | 118% |
49-3023 | Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics | 117% |
53-3099 | Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other | 117% |
49-9021 | Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers | 117% |
17-3019 | Drafters, All Other | 116% |
41-2031 | Retail Salespersons | 115% |
43-3031 | Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | 114% |
19-4013 | Food Science Technicians | 114% |
17-2131 | Materials Engineers | 113% |
43-5061 | Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks | 112% |
49-2094 | Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment | 111% |
17-2111 | Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors | 111% |
43-4051 | Customer Service Representatives | 111% |
53-1047 | First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers, Except Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors | 111% |
51-9031 | Cutters and Trimmers, Hand | 109% |
15-2098 | Data Scientists and Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other | 109% |
51-4121 | Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers | 109% |
51-9191 | Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders | 109% |
43-3051 | Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks | 109% |
13-1022 | Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products | 107% |
51-5112 | Printing Press Operators | 107% |
17-3025 | Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 107% |
51-4193 | Plating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 107% |
49-3031 | Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists | 106% |
17-3027 | Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 105% |
53-7021 | Crane and Tower Operators | 105% |
49-3092 | Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians | 105% |
47-2152 | Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters | 104% |
11-3061 | Purchasing Managers | 104% |
11-3111 | Compensation and Benefits Managers | 104% |
17-3023 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 103% |
13-2098 | Financial and Investment Analysts, Financial Risk Specialists, and Financial Specialists, All Other | 103% |
11-2022 | Sales Managers | 103% |
13-1141 | Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists | 102% |
13-1081 | Logisticians | 102% |
47-2211 | Sheet Metal Workers | 101% |
49-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers | 101% |
51-6063 | Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 47% |
Skilled Labor in our Laborshed
SOC Code | Name | Skilled Labor in Laborshed |
53-3032 | Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 5196 |
53-7062 | Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand | 3631 |
53-7065 | Stockers and Order Fillers | 1618 |
53-3033 | Light Truck Drivers | 1331 |
53-7051 | Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators | 1205 |
53-1047 | First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers, Except Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors | 740 |
43-5071 | Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks | 533 |
53-7064 | Packers and Packagers, Hand | 511 |
43-9061 | Office Clerks, General | 364 |
43-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | 362 |
49-3031 | Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists | 344 |
43-4051 | Customer Service Representatives | 338 |
51-4072 | Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 329 |
11-1021 | General and Operations Managers | 295 |
43-5032 | Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance | 256 |
43-3031 | Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | 215 |
11-3071 | Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers | 201 |
41-3091 | Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel | 180 |
49-9071 | Maintenance and Repair Workers, General | 165 |
43-6014 | Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive | 156 |
41-1012 | First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers | 151 |
51-4021 | Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 121 |
43-5061 | Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks | 112 |
49-3023 | Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics | 106 |
13-1198 | Project Management Specialists and Business Operations Specialists, All Other | 85 |
37-2011 | Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners | 78 |
13-1081 | Logisticians | 77 |
53-7063 | Machine Feeders and Offbearers | 73 |
13-1071 | Human Resources Specialists | 67 |
43-5111 | Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping | 57 |
49-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers | 56 |
51-4031 | Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 54 |
43-4151 | Order Clerks | 54 |
51-9061 | Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers | 52 |
13-1151 | Training and Development Specialists | 49 |
11-9198 | Personal Service Managers, All Other; Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling; and Managers, All Other | 49 |
43-3021 | Billing and Posting Clerks | 48 |
53-7061 | Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment | 48 |
13-2011 | Accountants and Auditors | 47 |
51-4052 | Pourers and Casters, Metal | 42 |
51-3099 | Food Processing Workers, All Other | 41 |
15-1299 | Computer Occupations, All Other | 40 |
33-9032 | Security Guards | 38 |
15-1256 | Software Developers and Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers | 35 |
51-9041 | Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 34 |
53-3099 | Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other | 31 |
11-2022 | Sales Managers | 31 |
53-7199 | Material Moving Workers, All Other | 31 |
43-9021 | Data Entry Keyers | 28 |
11-1011 | Chief Executives | 28 |
41-4012 | Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products | 28 |
11-3031 | Financial Managers | 28 |
51-2092 | Team Assemblers | 27 |
13-1041 | Compliance Officers | 26 |
17-2112 | Industrial Engineers | 25 |
51-9199 | Production Workers, All Other | 24 |
11-3013 | Facilities Managers | 24 |
15-1232 | Computer User Support Specialists | 23 |
51-2021 | Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 21 |
51-4199 | Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, All Other | 20 |
19-5011 | Occupational Health and Safety Specialists | 20 |
43-3011 | Bill and Account Collectors | 20 |
51-9011 | Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders | 20 |
49-9099 | Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other | 20 |
41-2031 | Retail Salespersons | 20 |
51-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers | 18 |
51-9161 | Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators | 18 |
51-2061 | Timing Device Assemblers and Adjusters | 17 |
43-4171 | Receptionists and Information Clerks | 17 |
11-3121 | Human Resources Managers | 17 |
13-1023 | Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products | 17 |
13-1161 | Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists | 16 |
15-1245 | Database Administrators and Architects | 16 |
43-3051 | Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks | 16 |
51-2051 | Fiberglass Laminators and Fabricators | 15 |
11-3021 | Computer and Information Systems Managers | 15 |
49-9043 | Maintenance Workers, Machinery | 15 |
49-9098 | Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers | 15 |
15-1211 | Computer Systems Analysts | 14 |
53-7011 | Conveyor Operators and Tenders | 14 |
13-1111 | Management Analysts | 13 |
43-4161 | Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping | 13 |
51-4111 | Tool and Die Makers | 13 |
51-9111 | Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders | 12 |
53-7121 | Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders | 12 |
15-1244 | Network and Computer Systems Administrators | 12 |
17-3023 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 12 |
43-6011 | Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants | 12 |
51-4033 | Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 11 |
15-1231 | Computer Network Support Specialists | 11 |
43-9199 | Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other | 11 |
53-7021 | Crane and Tower Operators | 10 |
49-9041 | Industrial Machinery Mechanics | 10 |
51-4023 | Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 10 |
13-2098 | Financial and Investment Analysts, Financial Risk Specialists, and Financial Specialists, All Other | 10 |
19-4051 | Nuclear Technicians | 9 |
51-4121 | Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers | 9 |
11-2021 | Marketing Managers | 9 |
51-4022 | Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 9 |
53-7081 | Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors | 9 |
51-4041 | Machinists | 9 |
51-2099 | Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other | 9 |
19-4031 | Chemical Technicians | 8 |
41-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers | 8 |
51-6091 | Extruding and Forming Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Synthetic and Glass Fibers | 8 |
49-9021 | Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers | 8 |
17-2081 | Environmental Engineers | 8 |
43-4071 | File Clerks | 7 |
41-4011 | Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products | 7 |
43-3061 | Procurement Clerks | 7 |
49-3042 | Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines | 7 |
51-9195 | Molders, Shapers, and Casters, Except Metal and Plastic | 7 |
49-3021 | Automotive Body and Related Repairers | 6 |
13-1022 | Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products | 6 |
49-2093 | Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment | 6 |
27-1026 | Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers | 6 |
51-9124 | Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 5 |
47-2111 | Electricians | 5 |
51-4071 | Foundry Mold and Coremakers | 5 |
11-3051 | Industrial Production Managers | 5 |
27-3042 | Technical Writers | 5 |
19-5012 | Occupational Health and Safety Technicians | 5 |
51-9194 | Etchers and Engravers | 4 |
51-9191 | Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders | 4 |
11-3131 | Training and Development Managers | 4 |
51-6099 | Textile, Apparel, and Furnishings Workers, All Other | 4 |
51-9123 | Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers | 4 |
51-9198 | Helpers--Production Workers | 4 |
49-2094 | Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment | 4 |
11-3061 | Purchasing Managers | 4 |
51-9022 | Grinding and Polishing Workers, Hand | 4 |
13-1141 | Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists | 4 |
17-3027 | Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 4 |
19-2031 | Chemists | 4 |
13-1051 | Cost Estimators | 4 |
51-9031 | Cutters and Trimmers, Hand | 4 |
41-9099 | Sales and Related Workers, All Other | 4 |
37-3011 | Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers | 3 |
51-6031 | Sewing Machine Operators | 3 |
15-1251 | Computer Programmers | 3 |
41-2021 | Counter and Rental Clerks | 3 |
53-7041 | Hoist and Winch Operators | 3 |
23-1011 | Lawyers | 3 |
51-4191 | Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 3 |
15-2031 | Operations Research Analysts | 3 |
51-7099 | Woodworkers, All Other | 3 |
51-4193 | Plating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 3 |
19-4013 | Food Science Technicians | 3 |
11-9041 | Architectural and Engineering Managers | 3 |
51-7042 | Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing | 3 |
51-9021 | Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 2 |
51-9023 | Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 2 |
13-1075 | Labor Relations Specialists | 2 |
51-4194 | Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners | 2 |
51-9051 | Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders | 2 |
47-2211 | Sheet Metal Workers | 2 |
11-3111 | Compensation and Benefits Managers | 2 |
17-2161 | Nuclear Engineers | 2 |
19-4042 | Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health | 2 |
27-1021 | Commercial and Industrial Designers | 2 |
15-1257 | Web Developers and Digital Interface Designers | 2 |
17-3025 | Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 2 |
41-2022 | Parts Salespersons | 2 |
17-2199 | Engineers, All Other | 2 |
27-3091 | Interpreters and Translators | 2 |
51-4051 | Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders | 2 |
51-9193 | Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders | 2 |
15-1241 | Computer Network Architects | 2 |
27-1029 | Designers, All Other | 2 |
47-2152 | Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters | 2 |
47-2031 | Carpenters | 2 |
51-4035 | Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 2 |
17-2111 | Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors | 2 |
51-9162 | Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers | 2 |
11-9021 | Construction Managers | 2 |
17-3026 | Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 2 |
51-4032 | Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 2 |
11-9121 | Natural Sciences Managers | 2 |
17-3013 | Mechanical Drafters | 2 |
51-2028 | Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Assemblers, Except Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 1 |
15-2098 | Data Scientists and Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other | 1 |
29-1171 | Nurse Practitioners | 1 |
17-3021 | Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians | 1 |
29-1141 | Registered Nurses | 1 |
49-3092 | Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians | 1 |
51-5112 | Printing Press Operators | 1 |
51-4061 | Model Makers, Metal and Plastic | 1 |
15-2021 | Mathematicians | 1 |
17-3019 | Drafters, All Other | 1 |
51-8099 | Plant and System Operators, All Other | 1 |
51-2031 | Engine and Other Machine Assemblers | 1 |
23-2011 | Paralegals and Legal Assistants | 1 |
41-9031 | Sales Engineers | 1 |
51-9141 | Semiconductor Processing Technicians | 1 |
51-8021 | Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators | 1 |
15-1212 | Information Security Analysts | 1 |
13-2041 | Credit Analysts | 1 |
51-6064 | Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
15-2041 | Statisticians | 1 |
19-2041 | Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health | 1 |
51-2041 | Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters | 1 |
19-4099 | Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, All Other | 1 |
17-3024 | Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians | 1 |
51-6093 | Upholsterers | 1 |
47-2141 | Painters, Construction and Maintenance | 1 |
51-4081 | Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 1 |
51-9012 | Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
17-2072 | Electronics Engineers, Except Computer | 1 |
17-2141 | Mechanical Engineers | 1 |
13-1021 | Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products | 1 |
51-6063 | Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
51-9192 | Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders | 1 |
17-2131 | Materials Engineers | 1 |
27-3031 | Public Relations Specialists | 1 |
13-2031 | Budget Analysts | 1 |
51-7011 | Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters | 1 |
51-9032 | Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
17-3098 | Calibration Technologists and Technicians and Engineering Technologists and Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other | 1 |
51-6062 | Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
51-4062 | Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic | 1 |
51-4034 | Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 1 |
51-4192 | Layout Workers, Metal and Plastic | 1 |
49-9069 | Precision Instrument and Equipment Repairers, All Other | 1 |
27-1024 | Graphic Designers | 1 |
17-2071 | Electrical Engineers | 1 |
51-4122 | Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 1 |
51-8031 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators | 1 |
51-6051 | Sewers, Hand | 1 |
49-9044 | Millwrights | 1 |
47-2221 | Structural Iron and Steel Workers | 1 |
49-9045 | Refractory Materials Repairers, Except Brickmasons | 1 |
Skilled Labor Vs US Average
SOC Code | Name | Labor vs. US Average |
51-4199 | Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, All Other | 643% |
19-4051 | Nuclear Technicians | 591% |
51-2061 | Timing Device Assemblers and Adjusters | 503% |
51-4081 | Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 446% |
51-7099 | Woodworkers, All Other | 445% |
51-4022 | Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 416% |
51-4122 | Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 398% |
51-4071 | Foundry Mold and Coremakers | 350% |
51-4052 | Pourers and Casters, Metal | 341% |
51-2092 | Team Assemblers | 332% |
51-9199 | Production Workers, All Other | 314% |
51-4062 | Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic | 293% |
51-4111 | Tool and Die Makers | 269% |
51-4051 | Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders | 262% |
51-2099 | Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other | 254% |
51-3099 | Food Processing Workers, All Other | 235% |
51-2021 | Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 232% |
51-4031 | Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 229% |
49-9043 | Maintenance Workers, Machinery | 224% |
11-1011 | Chief Executives | 208% |
51-4023 | Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 201% |
51-4061 | Model Makers, Metal and Plastic | 200% |
53-7199 | Material Moving Workers, All Other | 199% |
51-4072 | Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 196% |
51-9192 | Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders | 191% |
51-4032 | Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 189% |
41-4011 | Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products | 188% |
49-9044 | Millwrights | 185% |
51-9123 | Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers | 183% |
51-4194 | Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners | 179% |
51-2031 | Engine and Other Machine Assemblers | 170% |
51-6099 | Textile, Apparel, and Furnishings Workers, All Other | 163% |
51-6093 | Upholsterers | 163% |
51-9124 | Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 162% |
51-9194 | Etchers and Engravers | 160% |
51-4035 | Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 158% |
51-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers | 156% |
51-2028 | Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Assemblers, Except Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers | 155% |
11-9198 | Personal Service Managers, All Other; Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling; and Managers, All Other | 155% |
27-1029 | Designers, All Other | 152% |
51-6062 | Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 150% |
53-7063 | Machine Feeders and Offbearers | 149% |
17-3026 | Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 149% |
51-9041 | Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 148% |
11-3131 | Training and Development Managers | 144% |
51-9061 | Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers | 143% |
51-4191 | Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 142% |
49-3021 | Automotive Body and Related Repairers | 138% |
53-7064 | Packers and Packagers, Hand | 137% |
13-2041 | Credit Analysts | 137% |
11-3051 | Industrial Production Managers | 136% |
17-2112 | Industrial Engineers | 136% |
51-9198 | Helpers--Production Workers | 136% |
51-4034 | Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 135% |
51-4021 | Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 133% |
43-3011 | Bill and Account Collectors | 132% |
49-9099 | Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other | 131% |
51-9193 | Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders | 130% |
11-3031 | Financial Managers | 129% |
43-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | 128% |
51-9111 | Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders | 128% |
51-9032 | Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 128% |
49-9045 | Refractory Materials Repairers, Except Brickmasons | 128% |
17-2161 | Nuclear Engineers | 127% |
41-2022 | Parts Salespersons | 127% |
27-1021 | Commercial and Industrial Designers | 126% |
51-6031 | Sewing Machine Operators | 126% |
51-4033 | Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 126% |
11-3121 | Human Resources Managers | 125% |
53-7051 | Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators | 125% |
53-7062 | Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand | 124% |
53-7065 | Stockers and Order Fillers | 124% |
49-9041 | Industrial Machinery Mechanics | 123% |
53-3032 | Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 123% |
51-8031 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators | 123% |
29-1171 | Nurse Practitioners | 123% |
51-9051 | Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders | 122% |
41-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers | 121% |
53-7061 | Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment | 121% |
11-3071 | Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers | 120% |
43-5071 | Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks | 120% |
11-9021 | Construction Managers | 120% |
51-4041 | Machinists | 119% |
41-9099 | Sales and Related Workers, All Other | 118% |
49-3023 | Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics | 117% |
53-3099 | Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other | 117% |
49-9021 | Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers | 117% |
17-3019 | Drafters, All Other | 116% |
41-2031 | Retail Salespersons | 115% |
43-3031 | Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | 114% |
19-4013 | Food Science Technicians | 114% |
17-2131 | Materials Engineers | 113% |
43-5061 | Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks | 112% |
49-2094 | Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment | 111% |
17-2111 | Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors | 111% |
43-4051 | Customer Service Representatives | 111% |
53-1047 | First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers, Except Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors | 111% |
51-9031 | Cutters and Trimmers, Hand | 109% |
15-2098 | Data Scientists and Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other | 109% |
51-4121 | Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers | 109% |
51-9191 | Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders | 109% |
43-3051 | Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks | 109% |
13-1022 | Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products | 107% |
51-5112 | Printing Press Operators | 107% |
17-3025 | Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 107% |
51-4193 | Plating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic | 107% |
49-3031 | Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists | 106% |
17-3027 | Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 105% |
53-7021 | Crane and Tower Operators | 105% |
49-3092 | Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians | 105% |
47-2152 | Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters | 104% |
11-3061 | Purchasing Managers | 104% |
11-3111 | Compensation and Benefits Managers | 104% |
17-3023 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 103% |
13-2098 | Financial and Investment Analysts, Financial Risk Specialists, and Financial Specialists, All Other | 103% |
11-2022 | Sales Managers | 103% |
13-1141 | Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists | 102% |
13-1081 | Logisticians | 102% |
47-2211 | Sheet Metal Workers | 101% |
49-1011 | First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers | 101% |
51-6063 | Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders | 47% |