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April 11, 2023    
5:50 pm - 6:00 pm


Lewisburg City Hall
131 East Church St., Lewisburg, TN, 37091

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The Mayor & Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 11h at 5:50 p.m. to hear comments or concerns relating to the following:

Annexation Resolution 23-09 – A proposed annexation by owner consent Resolution to annex and rezone to a LDRPUD certain territory and to incorporate a portion of the same within the corporate boundaries of the City of Lewisburg – Approx. 149.92 acres located on Holly Grove and Finley Beech Roads – Spring Valley Estates Subdivision.

Resolution 23-17 – Plan of Services for Spring Valley Estates Subdivision.

Ordinance 23-10 – Amending Article 3, Sect. 3.120 C of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the expiration of site plans.

Ordinance 23-11 – Amending Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the Lewisburg Corridor Overlay Section 5.057 C e.x.1. wall sign square footage.

Ordinance 23-12 – Amending  Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Section 5.055.11, C.2 changing pavement widths of street improvements to match subdivision regulations.

Ordinance 23-13 – Rezone a portion of property located at 360 S. Ellington Pkwy and 309 E. Ave.

Ordinance 23-14 – Amending Title 20 of the Municipal Code pertaining to requiring registration of residential landlords with the City.

Ordinance 23-16 – Amending Title 15 of the Municipal Code pertaining to to parking on streets.