You can find answers to our most frequently asked questions below. Click on a question to expand the tab.
How can I file a report?
To file a report for incidents that take place within the city, call Dispatch using the non-emergency line at (931) 359-4044. An officer will be sent to your location to assist you.
Citizens may also go to the Police Department to file an incident report.
What are my rights as a victim?
By Virtue of being a victim, you have certain rights as provided by Article 1, section 35 of the Constitution of Tennessee.
- The right to confer with the prosecution.
- The right to be free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse throughout the criminal justice system.
- The right to be present at all proceedings where the defendant has the right to be present.
- The right to be heard, when relevant, at all critical stages of the criminal justice process as defined by the statute.
- The right to be informed of all the proceedings and the release, transfer, escape, or recapture of the accused or convicted person.
- The right to a speedy trial or disposition and a prompt and final conclusion of the case after the conviction or sentence.
- The right to restitution from the defendant.
- The right to be informed of each of the rights established for victims.
As a victim of Domestic Violence you have the right to:
- Be treated with fairness and respect.
- Be free from violence in your home.
- Leave your home if you are in danger.
- Call the police because domestic violence is a crime.
- Receive emergency medical care if needed.
- Obtain an Order of Protection that will prohibit the abuser from coming near you or contacting you.
- Be notified of the abuser’s arrest, court proceedings, and compliance with court orders.
- Receive information about the conviction, sentencing, and/or release of the abuser.
- Receive information
The following phone numbers are for your information and convenience in exercising your rights:
Victims of Crime State Coordinating Council – 1-800-289-9018
Statewide Victim Witness Coordinator – (615) 532-5591
Probation and Parole – (615) 741-1150
Tennessee Department of Correction – (615) 741-1000 Ext. 4006
Tenn. Attorney General (appeals Info only) – (615) 532-1971
District Attorney (Main Office) – (931) 438-1906
TN Domestic Violence HOTLINE 1-800-356-6767
Does the LPD use unmarked vehicles?
Unmarked Vehicles
Unmarked law enforcement vehicles have been used by the Lewisburg Police Department for years. It is our belief that unmarked vehicles are a valuable tool in providing safe, efficient, and proactive law enforcement services to the citizens of Lewisburg. We use a limited number of unmarked vehicles for a variety of activities and have found them to be an effective tool to address many community concerns such as traffic enforcement, neighborhood patrols, crime reduction initiatives (such as street robberies and residential burglary), fugitive apprehension, drug enforcement and other activities. These unmarked vehicles may be a vehicle, van, truck or a utility vehicle and may display standard license plates or government plates.
Emergency Lights
Although state law allows the use of blue or the combination of blue and red for law enforcement vehicles, the LPD uses ONLY blue flashing lights. Under state law only law enforcement officers may utilize blue lights. Therefore, to avoid confusion, all of our vehicles are equipped with BLUE emergency lights, both in the front and rear, and may be combined with flashing headlights or additional blue or white warning lights. We use these multiple lights to improve officer and citizen safety. This allows our citizens to recognize our official vehicles. Additionally, every unmarked vehicle is equipped with an audible emergency siren.
Impersonation of a Police Officer/Illegal Use of Blue Lights
Although the occurrence of these may be rare, the illegal use of emergency lighting (blue lights) or impersonating an officer is against state law and, when reported, is vigorously investigated and prosecuted.
What should I do if am being pulled over by an unmarked vehicle and am not certain if it is a police officer?
The use of unmarked vehicles continues to be successful in addressing a variety of community concerns, we however do recognize the concern that some people may feel uncomfortable when being stopped by an unmarked law enforcement vehicle and can offer the following suggestions:
- Feel free to activate your vehicle’s four-way hazard lights. This tells the officer that you are aware that they are there and that you are intending to comply with his or her request to pull over. Do not drive erratically, speed up, or attempt to elude the officer.
- Drive safely to the nearest public area or police station. If it is nighttime, look for an area that is well lit.
- Keep your doors locked and turn on your dome light, keep your hands visible and wait on the officer to approach.
- Look for an authentic law enforcement uniform. If still unsure or the officer is wearing plain clothes, the citizen should request to see official credentials including a law enforcement identification bearing a photo of the officer and accompanying law enforcement badge. It is our policy that an officer will display their credentials if requested. If still concerned, explain your concern and ask to have a uniformed officer in a marked vehicle respond.
- Only roll down the vehicle window enough to hear the officer and pass documents. Drivers should never exit their vehicle until told to do so by a law enforcement officer.
- If you have a cell phone, dial 911 and ask the dispatcher to verify that an officer attempting to pull you over. If the 911 operator verifies your vehicle description and your location, stop immediately for the officer. If the 911 situation you describe occurs, explain to the call taker that an unmarked vehicle is attempting to stop you and ask for a marked unit to respond.
To ensure you have accurate and complete information, we would also like to provide you with references to the applicable law regarding the use of emergency equipment and the duty of a driver upon approach by an emergency vehicle.
Tennessee Law (TCA 55-8-132), requires drivers to immediately yield to authorized emergency vehicles that are making use of their visual and audible signals and that drivers “shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection, and shall stop and remain in that position…”. You must remain in that stopped position until the emergency vehicle has passed or until you are directed to move by a police officer. You must still proceed with caution; there may be other emergency vehicles coming.
When an emergency vehicle, marked or unmarked, approaches, please remember that the LPD uses emergency equipment not only to conduct traffic stops, but also to assist motorists and to respond to calls for service involving emergency situations. In order to ensure a safe and timely response, please safely and lawfully yield the right of way to these vehicles.
How do I request police radar or traffic enforcement near my home?
The Lewisburg Police Department has responsibility of all of the city of Lewisburg. You can contact us at (931) 359-4044 or Contact Us Online.
Who can get an order of protection?
Orders of Protection are authorized by Tennessee law in a chapter called “domestic abuse.” Therefore, in order to qualify to file a Petition for Order of Protection, you must not be the primary aggressor and your relationship with the abuser must fall within the following categories:
- Current or former spouse.
- Live together or who have lived together.
- Are dating or have dated or who have or had a sexual relationship.
- Related by blood or adoption.
- Related or were formerly related by marriage.
- Children of a person in a relationship that is described above.
If you fall into one of the above categories, you may go to the General Sessions Court Clerk located in the Marshall County Courthouse on the Public Square.
A protection order may include: stop domestic abuse, no direct or indirect contact with petitioner, no stalking, evicting the respondent, housing for the petitioner when the respondent is the sole owner or lessee, temporary custody of minor children, financial support, counseling. The above relief may be ordered only after a hearing before the Court with both parties present.
Where can I find out if there are any convicted sex offenders in my neighborhood?
The Sexual Offender Registry at the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
From their site: This registry shall consist of all public information regarding persons who are required to complete a TBI sexual offender registration/monitoring form pursuant to existing legislation related to the sexual offender registry.
How do I submit a report to the Tennessee Department of Safety on an accident which has happened on private property?
As set forth under the provisions of 55-12-104, T.C.A., you must file, or have filed in your behalf, a personal accident report with the Department of Safety, if you were involved in an automobile accident as an owner or driver involving death or injury, or in which damage to property was in excess of four hundred dollars ($400) to any person involved. This report is required regardless of who was at fault and in addition to any report filed by an investigating officer.
Failure to file a personal accident report with the Department of Safety shall result in the suspension of driver license and registrations or nonresident operating privileges of any person involved in an accident.
Your report must be submitted to the Department of Safety within twenty (20) days from the accident in order to avoid the proposed suspension of your driving and registration privileges. You can satisfy this requirement by downloading, printing out and completing the Owner / Driver Report Form (see link below) and returning it to the Financial Responsibility Section.
P.O. BOX 945.
How and where can I report street drug (or gambling, narcotics, prescription drug fraud, or other vice) activity?
There are several things you can do:
- To report narcotic and street prostitution, you can call the police department (931) 359-4044.
- You can call the Criminal Investigations Division office directly at (931) 359-4044. If no one answers, they have voice mail, and you may leave a message. This avenue can help cut down on duplication of work effort, and allow them to ask more in-depth questions.
- Or, you can Contact Us Online.
If you have any questions, please contact the Criminal Investigations Division office at (931) 359-4044.
Accordion Title
If you would like to make a complaint against an officer you may do so by contacting the supervisor on-duty at (931) 359-4044. Be aware that we take complaints seriously and because of this you may be required to submit your complaint in writing on a Citizen Complaint Form. These forms must be witnessed and notarized and are treated in the same manner as testimony in a court of law.