Rules & Policies
- Fitness Center will close 15 mins prior to posted LRC closer times.
- A Current Membership or Day Pass is required for access to this fitness center, and is subject for verification at any time by staff.
- No persons under 16 is permitted in the fitness center. All persons 16-17 must have adult supervision, or have Orientation form on file
- Proper athletic attire and athletic shoes must be worn at ALL times (KEEP SHIRTS ON).
- Please refrain from using abusive language, profane gestures, fighting or horseplay.
- Please ask staff or familiarize yourself with equipment prior to use.
- Please use collars at the end of bars, and SPOTTERS when needed.
- Please do not slam or drop weights.
- Please place ALL weights on trees and dumbbells on racks after use.
- Please return ALL fitness equipment to proper storage areas.
- Please do not take bars, Free weights, or dumbbells out of room in which they are housed in.
- Musical devices are not permitted unless they are used with headphones.
- Management is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please report all equipment malfunctions, personal injuries, and specific concerns immediately to the management.
- Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who violates any rule, regulation or persons whom abuse equipment or facility.
- Wipe down all equipment after each use.
See General Policies for additional policies.