Pool Rental
See General Policies for additional policies.
Outdoor Pool Rules & Policies
- No Running.
- No abusive language or gestures
- No GLASS in pool areas
- No Tobacco or Vapor products inside pool area
- No fighting or horseplay of any kind will be tolerated
- No diving, except in designated areas
- No PDA (Public Display of Affection)
- No jumping over the fence for any reason
- Everyone must exit pool during safety breaks
- Only children over 10, and able to swim can be to be left unaccompanied
- ALL children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult at all times
- Children not toilet trained Must Wear swim diapers (see lifeguards)
- Respect will be given to all LRC Lifeguards and Patrons alike!!
- Extended breaks will be taken for inclement weather
Diving board
- One bounce
- Dive only from front of board NOT side
- Wait for previous diver to clear area
- Swim immediately to nearest ladder
- Must be 48” tall or able to pass swim test to ride slide
- One rider at a time. NO double riders
- No floaties, lifejackets or similar items.
- Must ride lying on back, feet first.
- Must exit to the ladder to the right.
History of the Outdoor Pool
The Lewisburg Recreation Center Outdoor Pool is quite literally the “Crown Jewel” of Lewisburg. Since its beginning in 1952, the Rec Center Pool has been a place for families to gather and have fun. This recreation center has been a part of this community for 6 generations. Originally opened in May 1952, the Recreation Center Pool has hosted not only family picnics and fun, but Red Cross Swim Lessons and the Miss Marshall County Beauty Pageant.
In 1953, Thomas Hale Hawkins with the help of Mrs. Preston Hopkins began the Red Cross Learn to Swim Program. Although this program has a small beginning, it has been very successful. The Red Cross Learn to Swim Program is still going strong. Year round children and adults alike can learn to swim. Lifeguarding is also taught annually. Currently the Recreation Center Pool is the home of two swim teams, the Marshall County High School and the Marshall County Marlins Summer Recreation League.
In 1954, the first Miss Marshall County Beauty Pageant was held here at the Recreation Center. The outdoor pool became a place of glistening beauty as the contestants gracefully walked around the pool. 61 beautiful young women have worn the tiara of Miss Marshall County and if those, 60 of them have been crowned here at our pool. In 2014, the pool was closed due to repairs and the pageant was not able to be held poolside.
In November 2001, the city council approved the plans to build the new recreation center. The new center would have 3 indoor pools (lap pool, therapy pool, and hot tub), fitness room, aerobic room, large banquet room, 2 full court basketball gymnasium and an indoor walking track, all of this would be an addition to the then existing Sports Complex which has a small banquet room and 2 racquetball courts.
In 2014, sadly the outdoor pool was unable to open for the first time in its 62 year existence due to damage (after a very harsh winter) to the pool loner which caused the pool to be unable to hold water. After a major renovation the Lewisburg Recreation Center has her “Crown Jewel” back and on May 25, 2015 she was back in action with her newly acquired attractions. Our new lady features a 16 foot swirly waterslide, a mushroom water feature for the little ones, fountains, and a zero entry entrance that is handicapped and wheel chair accessible. A new variable spring diving board has been added as well. The filtration system was updated to a bather friendly salt system. One final feature as those contestants promenade around the new pool are the dusk activated under water pool lights that will provide the perfect ambiance for those stunning beauties as they carry on the tradition of poise and grace that has been such a wonderful part of Lewisburg History.