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Burn Permits

General Information

A Controlled Burn Permit must be obtained from the Lewisburg Fire Department (Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, or authorized designee).

Permit shall be valid for a period of one day unless otherwise specified and the issue date(s) shall appear on the permit form.

The holder of the permit is required to contact the Lewisburg Fire Department each day before any controlled burning begins to ascertain current weather conditions or any other changes deemed as necessary by the Department.

Under adverse weather conditions as determined by the Fire Chief or his designee, no open burning shall be allowed. Controlled Burning is NOT allowed when the wind velocity is above 10 mph as reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=35.450991&lon=-86.788907

This Controlled Burn Permit allows for the following:
• Burning between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Fridays. (All vestiges of controlled burning shall be non-existent in the air no later than 5:00 p.m.)
• (NO burning is allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays)
• Materials may not be burned in piles exceeding 12 ft. by 12 ft.
• Burning is limited to natural vegetation grown on site. No type of construction debris, including pallets, roofing material, metal parts, painted material, asbestos, treated wood, pesticides, herbicides, or any other classified hazardous material, including petroleum-based products shall be burned. Rubber tires and similar type material are not to be used to start or burn within the fire.

The person doing the burning will have a garden hose or some type of water source available for fire suppression. If no water source is available, it will be a requirement for some type of extinguishing agent to be present on site. This may include portable fire extinguishers, shovels, rakes, or heavy machinery sufficient to move enough earth to control and suppress fire.

At NO time, will the controlled burn be left unattended. Such person shall not be more than 50 ft. (15.2 m) from any controlled burn.

No person shall kindle or maintain any controlled burn or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained on any private land unless the location is greater than 50 ft. (15.2 m) from any structure or lot line and adequate provision is made to prevent fire from spreading within 50 ft. (15.2 m) of any structure or lot line.

Construction Permits

Informational Packet
Automatic Sprinkler System

In accordance with the City of Lewisburg’s enacted permitting requirements. A construction permit is required
for the installation of or modification to an automatic fire-extinguishing system. An automatic fire extinguishing system is defined as an approved system of devices and equipment which automatically detects a
fire and discharges an approved fire-extinguishing agent onto or in the area of a fire.

Informational Packet
Automatic Alarm System

In accordance with the City of Lewisburg’s enacted permitting requirements. A construction permit is required
for the installation of or modification to fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment. Maintenance
performed in accordance with this code is not considered to be a modification and does not require a permit.

Informational Packet
Commercial Hood System

In accordance with the City of Lewisburg’s enacted permitting requirements. A construction permit is required
for the installation of or modification to an automatic fire-extinguishing system. An automatic fireextinguishing system is defined as an approved system of devices and equipment which automatically detects a
fire and discharges an approved fire-extinguishing agent onto or in the area of a fire.

Informational Packet
Apparatus Access Road Gate

In accordance with the City of Lewisburg’s enacted permitting requirements. A construction permit is required
for the installation of or modification to any Gate or Barricade across an apparatus access road.

Permit Fee Schedule